Search for tag: "optimization"

DSPA Chapter 21 Function Optimization

Chapter 21 covers (1) constrained and unconstrained optimization, (2) Lagrange multipliers, (3) linear, quadratic and (general) non-linear programming, and (4) data denoising.

From  Tina Chang 0 likes 29 plays 0  

DSPA Chapter 17 (Regularized Linear Modeling and Controlled Variable Selection)

DSPA Chapter 17 (Regularized Linear Modeling and Controlled Variable Selection) Classical techniques for choosing important covariates to include in a model of complex multivariate data relied on…

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From  Tina Chang 0 likes 36 plays 0  

DSPA: Chapter 1 Foundations of R

DSPA: Chapter 1 Foundations of R This chapter introduces the foundations of R programming for visualization, statistical computing and scientific inference. Specifically, in this chapter we will…

From  Ivo Dinov 0 likes 722 plays 0