Search for tag: "software"

DSPA Chapter 4 Linear Algebra and Matrix Computing

DSPA Chapter 4 Linear Algebra and Matrix Computing Linear algebra is a branch of mathematics that studies linear associations using vectors, vector-spaces, linear equations, linear…

From  Tina Chang 0 likes 114 plays 0  

DSPA: Chapter 1 Foundations of R

DSPA: Chapter 1 Foundations of R This chapter introduces the foundations of R programming for visualization, statistical computing and scientific inference. Specifically, in this chapter we will…

From  Ivo Dinov 0 likes 722 plays 0  

Word '10 for Dissertations: Formatting Text with Styles

In this video, you will lean how to apply styles such as Heading 1, Heading 2, or Quotes to your dissertation text. Additionally, the video will demonstrate how to modify text styles so that they…

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From  Rob Pettigrew 0 likes 7 plays 0  

Word '10 for Dissertations: Inserting Images, Charts, & Captions

In this video, you will lean how insert media objects into your dissertation. The video shows how to add images, insert and edit charts, and how to add captions to inserted media. All demonstrations…

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From  Rob Pettigrew 0 likes 11 plays 0  

Word for Dissertation 2010: Formatting Landscape Pages

This video demonstrates how to format landscape pages in your dissertation using Microsoft Word 2010 for Windows.

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From  Rob Pettigrew 0 likes 4 plays 0  

Word '10 for Dissertation: Adding Page Numbers

This video tutorial will demonstrate how to add page numbers to your thesis or dissertation using Microsoft Office 2012 for Windows computers.

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From  Rob Pettigrew 0 likes 6 plays 0